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Our Academic Philosophy

Five Pillars of Success

TAF@Saghalie’s academic philosophy is built on key factors that support academic excellence.

We operate our school under five pillars of success:

  • Equity
    Having the conviction that every scholar is capable of learning and being successful is a core value that all teachers and staff must have professionally and personally.

  • Project-Based Learning (PBL)
    Scholars use classroom projects and selected technology to research questions and issues that are relevant to their lives. These projects require higher-order thinking, deep understanding of content, and communication skills.

  • STEM Integration
    In this model, academic content from all areas—science, mathematics, social sciences, and the fine, performing and language arts—is integrated into projects and instruction. We teach students the processes utilized in those fields and establishing a culture of inquiry and problem-solving.  This is done through the careful design of projects as well as cultivating opportunities for students to engage with STEM professionals and activities, both on and off-campus.

  • Education Technology
    We develop the capacity for scholars to use various software and technologies is essential to realize success in today’s colleges and universities, as well as the 21st-century workplace.

  • College Readiness
    Scholars are considered “college-ready” when they are aware going to college is a viable option; eligible for college based on coursework completed; and ready to take college-level classes.